Many people buy leather bags, the most concerned is whether its quality is in line with the standard, the appearance is good-looking. Looking at any package, it consists of eight parts. As long as these eight elements are not flawed, then this package is basically a fine workmanship with a solid quality. But you know, to see the package, you can't ignore the buttons. Look at the button's firmness and convenience.....because it is not easy to be stolen by a thief. So the button is not very eye-catching, but it is easier to replace than a zipper. Want to learn more about buttons: accessible Guangzhou LIDONG Garment Industrial Co., Ltd. ,
1. Face. The face is equivalent to a person's face and should be smooth and smooth. There are no joints other than the design, no blisters, no exposed fur edges, and uniform colors.
2. In. The lining is either selected from textiles or leather products (the lining of leather bags generally does not use leather), and the color should be coordinated with the package surface. There are many lining seams, and the pins should be fine and not too large.
3. Strap. This is an important part of the package and it is also the most vulnerable part. Therefore, one must check the straps for seamlessness and cracks. Second, it depends on whether the connection between the harness and the body is firm.
4. Hardware. As the external decoration of the bag, hardware often plays a crucial role. Therefore, when selecting a package, the shape and workmanship of the hardware should be paid attention to. In particular, if the hardware is golden, be sure to consult the sales person. The gold color is easy to fade.
5. Lines. Regardless of whether the bag is sewn with a bright or dark thread, the length of the stitches should be uniform (the size of any bag is also the size of the designer's design) and there is no exposed thread.
6. Rubber. Whether it is the adhesion between the surface and the inside, or the binding of the strap and the body, or the adhesion of the accessories and the accessories, the glue plays a role in the making of the bag. Therefore, when selecting packages, be sure to look at the components to see if they are solid.
7. Pull the lock. The quality of the homemade zipper has not been closed, if you choose a zipper bag with poor quality, on the one hand in the use of the package is very unsafe, on the other hand to replace the zipper bag is time-consuming work, after the change also affects the package Beautiful things. When selecting a package, you must not take it lightly.
8. Buttons. This is also a humble accessory for the bag. Care should be taken when selecting, but it is easier to replace than a zipper.