Fashion and slim skirt with what tea break skirt how to match better look

Recently discovered a very hot skirt, from time to time will appear in the Ins album of many foreign fashion bloggers or stars. It is a little retro and casual, light and elegant, and it can be intelligent, and it is like stealing the old dress in the mother's closet.


Later, I turned over the information.

Know that it has a very elegant name

- Tea break skirt

What is a tea break skirt

Tea break skirt is called Tea Dress in English.

From Europe.

Because then,

European aristocratic ladies attend different occasions every day.

It is especially complicated to change 3 or 4 sets of clothes a day.

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Only when drinking afternoon tea,

The noble ladies can take off their coats.

Put on a comfortable skirt.

As a result, it has gradually evolved into the "tea break skirt".

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