Many items have imitations, imitations generally choose relatively low-cost materials, workmanship is relatively simple, and overall it does not take too much time to easily obtain. Many people use this method to create imitation jade, and a little carelessness may confuse your eyes. Therefore, we should learn how to distinguish the true and false of jade, and can be practically applied at the time of purchase. How to tell the true and false of jade? The simpler method is to drip water, and many people may know that the method of dripping can identify the true and false of diamonds. This method is also used in diamonds. Place the jade on a smooth surface and drop a drop of water on the surface of the jade. If it can keep the shape of the drop, it is true jade. If it is deformed, it is likely to be a fake jade. It can also be identified by means of a magnifying glass. The jade is placed under the magnifying glass. If there is no crack and the integrity is good, it means that the jade is true. If there is a obvious crack, it is generally fake jade, even if the quality of the jade is very poor. . You can also use the tongue to jade, the tongue touches the jade. If there is a feeling of embarrassment, it is true jade. If there is no feeling, then it is regrettable to tell you that this is a fake jade. The above is some small ways to distinguish the true and false of jade. There may be some bias in the identification of yourself. If you want to get more accurate results, you should ask a professional to help. Yarn Dyed Fabric,Yarn Dyed Stripe Fabric,Yarn Dyed Check Fabric,Yarn Dyed Woven Fabric SHAOXING KAIMING TEXTILES CO.,LTD ,