State Dini women's wear is a well-known business and leisure women from South Korea, State Dini women have a young, stylish modern style, without losing the stability and maturity, with more flexible mix of leisure, challenging the popular diversity and wear Of the constraints, showing unrestrained Dini dresses from choice of materials, design to tailoring, production, are seeking excellence, every detail of Dini women can show white-collar women's taste, personality and fashion. South Korea's top designers to integrate Europe and the United States free and unobtrusive and elegant Oriental subtle elements, state Dini costumes with black, white, gray-based colors supplemented by other popular colors, simple but not simple; rich and not messy. State Dini women with beautiful segmentation, embroidery, lace and other delicate details of each state Dini performance beautiful, charming and confident white-collar workers, with a sunshine and vitality attitude lead the white-collar beauty fashion dress trend. Ruby Corundum,Pink Ruby Synthetic Gemstone,Blue Synthetic Sapphire Corundum Joya Gift Co., Limited ,