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Compared with the previous auction, the price of Pick and Super Hogs wool rose by 2%, while the other Pick and Supers remained stable; the price of hybrid Hogs wool rose by 1%; the remaining hybrids remained stable; the prices of Crosses and Radnors wools both increased by 1.5%. The price of selected Welsh wools remained stable, other Welsh wool prices rose by 2.5%; Swaledale wool supply was sufficient, suppliers actively sought market opportunities, a small part of the price of gray wool fell 2.5%.
Founded in 1950, the British Wool Marketing Board (BWMB) is an independent organization run by farmers. The organization has established a central marketing system for the UK shear wool market, which aims to help wool producers achieve maximum net profit.
UK: Strong demand for most wool varieties
On March 9th, UK local time, the 17th 2011/12 British Wool Auction organized by the British Wool Marketing Committee (BWMB) was held at Wool House. The wool supply at the auction reached 1995978 kg, and most wool varieties Strong demand, auction clearance rate of 80%.