The industrial type of turquoise deposits is not complicated, but the view of the cause of turquoise is not uniform. There are mainly the following views: It is considered that turquoise is an endogenous hydrothermal metasomatic product; it is considered that turquoise is replaced by secondary minerals under exogenous conditions; it is considered to belong to weathering crust products. According to the type of surrounding rock, the industrial types of turquoise deposits can be divided into three categories: 1. A deposit in an acid eruptive rock. 2. Mineral deposits in carbonaceous-carbonate-siliceous rocks. 3. Deposits in the oxidation of molybdenum or polymetallic deposits and secondary sulfide enrichment zones. The main producing areas of turquoise are Iran, the United States, and China. China's turquoise is mainly concentrated in the border between Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi. It is most famous for its damaging turquoise mine. Women'S Yoga Leggings,Men'S Yoga Leggings,Yoga Leggings Set,Yoga And Fitness Leggings Shaoxing Yizhong Textile And Garment Co.,Ltd ,