Natural crystals can stabilize emotions and open wisdom!


[about crystal]

"Compendium of Materia Medica" records that the crystal is cold and non-toxic, the attending convulsions are heart-warming, peace of mind and eyesight, to the red eye to comfort the heat, benefit hair, Yue color, is the mascot to exorcise evil spirits, bring good luck.

The most important element of crystal is silica, which means that crystal is quartz.

Quartz is generally divided into two types - low temperature quartz and high temperature quartz. Crystal growth temperature is about 550 ° C ~ 600 ° C, between 550 ° C ~ 573 ° C is a low temperature quartz, the common crystal is this type, its crystal cluster column is a hexagonal cylinder (hexagonal); High temperature quartz is formed between 573 ° C and 600 ° C. This high temperature quartz is usually found in deep underground or celestial impact. Agate is a common high temperature quartz. The chemical composition of quartz is silica, which is a hexagonal system with a Mohs hardness of 7, a specific gravity of 2.66, a refractive index of 1.54 to 1.55, a birefringence of 0.0009 (glass without birefringence), and a glass luster.

[The spiritual role of crystal]

There are many people who have doubts about the spirituality of crystal. Is there any spirituality in the crystal? The answer is yes: yes! The American Academy of Sciences has experimented with putting roses that are about to wither in two cups, then injecting crystal water and water into two cups, and the rose in the water survived for 4 days. The rose in the crystal liquid survived for 11 days. From this we can see that it is obvious that crystal is really spiritual, but where does the spirituality of crystal come from? Please take a closer look at the introduction~! !

Natural crystals can release 8 million vibrations per second on average, which is rich and abundant. The natural crystals have been tempered by the earth for more than 10 years, and they have long-term resonance and interaction with nature. The forward magnetic field hides huge and infinite energy waves. For those who have been exposed to negative magnetic fields for a long time, wearing natural crystals has a certain auxiliary effect on improving the secondary condition. And because all kinds of crystals imply a guiding role for people's psychology, it will affect the performance of our usual life, work, friends or academics.

It has been discovered by scientific research that radio waves (brain waves) are emitted from the brain of the human body, and the crystals are piezoelectric in a specific state, and the six points of the crystal (hexagonal system) are equiaxed diagonally. Positive and negative charges, and a stable oscillation frequency. When people meditate on the crystal, they send brain waves to them with concentrated energy. The crystal stores, expands, and coordinates the energy. The magnetic field, the so-called crystal spirituality. Crystal has the ability to remember, this feature has been applied to all areas of technology, such as watches, aerospace, liquid crystal display (liquid crystal display LCD is liquid crystal display Liquid Crystal Discreen), and the ancient Maya crystal skull legend is also known Crystal is a unique gem feature.

Specifically, the psychological role of natural crystals is: help to stabilize emotions, calm the mind, open up potential talent, comprehension, learning, enhance vitality, mental strength, consciousness, willpower, stirring thinking, judgment The acumen of decision-making and the motivation of execution, and then the individual's performance in cultivation, talent, social public relations, emotional marriage, work career, money and wealth, life and leisure. The physiological auxiliary functions are: contributing to the operation of the nervous system, the pulsation, the qi and blood system, and strengthening the body, removing the suffocating gas, driving the sputum, and pushing the health of the balance of human health.

In addition, the natural crystal in the space of the display, with its electrical conductivity, continuously and steadily adjust the magnetic field of the environment, improve or enhance the benefits of the magnetic field. In Feng Shui, it is used as a "five elements of raw gram, layout breaks." There are still limits to the effect, not only because of the correct way of use, but also for us to play an auxiliary role.

If you are superstitious, paranoid, dependent on crystal, or expect to get something for nothing, it is a wrong view and lost. Destiny is in your own hands, and the ultimate success is created by yourself. This must be remembered.

[Crystal daily maintenance]

Crystal ornaments and ornaments are crystal clear and exquisite, and are fashionable items that decorate modern life and improve the quality of life. When crystals are gradually loved, worn, and collected by people, how to maintain them has become a concern of many people. Here are a few ways to maintain the crystal collection for your reference.

Crystal brittle, pay attention to anti-pressure, anti-drop, anti-high temperature, anti-alkali or strong acid. When moving the crystal, it is best to wear soft cotton gloves to prevent the oil stains on your hands from contaminating the collection. When lifting the crystal object, do not hold the top or the extension of the crystal decoration. Grasp the base of the crystal or the whole body. It is found that there is dust on the crystal collection. Do not use a feather brush. Instead, use a soft, lint-free fabric to gently remove the dust. Do not rub it hard to avoid damaging the crystal.

Crystal wine glasses should be kept clean and crystal clear. Do not immerse them in high or low temperature water when cleaning. Do not stack the washed flat crystal cups together to avoid rupture under pressure. When washing crystal wine glasses, you can neither use machine washing nor scrub with a cleaning cloth. Hand cleaning is the best method. Be careful not to grab the handle of the glass to dry or clean it, because the shank is easy to break under force.

When oily or hand-printed on the crystal, wash it with lukewarm soapy water and rinse it off with water. Avoid repeated cleaning in hot water or detergent. There are cut crystal ornaments, the cut part can be gently cleaned with a toothbrush. If there is stain that is not easy to wash off, you can cut the lemon and apply some salt, gently scrub, or use a few drops of salted vinegar to wipe.

Crystal collections are best placed in sealed glass cabinets or display cases to reduce the chance of dust on the surface of the crystal, and to reduce hand contact and avoid damage. Don't let the collections get too close, otherwise you will fall over due to the domino effect when you encounter one of them. Make sure the cabinet is stable and reliable and not easy to shake. Place the crystal next to the mirror to refract light onto the crystal surface; avoid placing the crystal under a hanging picture or other item, such as a swaying curtain that easily knocks the crystal piece down and breaks.

Do not use styrofoam paper or plastic bags if you want to store the crystal collection for a long time. This type of bag will increase the temperature and cause damage to the crystal. At the same time, do not store crystals in the attic or cellar to prevent them from being exposed to harsh environments.

To be familiar with the mineralogical characteristics of various crystals, know the corresponding taboos, such as what crystals should avoid glare, what crystals should not be immersed in salt water, and so on.

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