There are many types of bags, including bags, backpacks, school bags, computer bags, briefcases, women's bags, men's bags, and so on. There are more types of fasteners used on bags. A good package is not only related to the production materials of the package, but also related to the style and fasteners of the package. A good bag buckle can make your bag more distinctive and use a personal style. The buckle has metal buckles and plastic buckles. Metal buckles look even taller. However, compared with plastic buckles, metal buckles are relatively heavy. To reduce the burden, plastic buckles are generally used. For more information on purchasing information updates, please follow: China Button Trading Network Jacquard Cloth Fabric,Silk Jacquard Fabric,Cotton Jacquard Fabric,Jacquard Damask Fabric SHAOXING CITY TIANHONG TRADE CO., LTD ,