Sapphire, as the blue of the mysterious sea, has been given the magical legend by Westerners. It is found that the color of aquamarine is as blue as sea water, giving it the attribute of water, symbolizing calmness, courage and intelligence. Westerners generally believe that wearing aquamarine can make people have a foresight, so it has long been used as a talisman, so aquamarine is also known as "Fuhai Stone", what is sapphire? The Xiaobian of China Jewelry Merchants Network takes you to the five mysteries about the deep sapphire. 1. Brazilian aquamarine is clearer The world's most famous aquamarine is produced in Brazil and Madagascar. Brazilian aquamarine is generally blue with green. The aquamarine in Madagascar is mostly dark blue. 2, the color blue is pure, the processing is fine, the price is high The main factors determining the value of aquamarine are size and color. Internationally, more than a dozen carats of aquamarine are not uncommon. Among them, the world's largest aquamarine crystal found in Brazil weighs 243 pounds. Generally, the sapphire of deep sea blue is 30%~50% higher than the price of light blue gems. 3, aquamarine cottage more The gemstones similar to aquamarine on the market are mainly blue topaz, blue zircon, crystal, glass and artificial spinel. Compared with topaz, the aquamarine has a small specific gravity, the amount of hand rubbing is light, and the aquamarine often has a light yellow-green color, while the blue-yellow jade that is colored is often purer and single. Compared with zircon, zircon has a large specific gravity, strong dispersion, and a radiant appearance, and visible double shadow. Compared with glass and artificial spinel, aquamarine often has a slight dichroism, and a gas-liquid two-phase inclusion is often seen in aquamarine. 4, aquamarine jewelry purchase points Do not buy large aquamarine, but pay attention to the color depth, the price of deep sea blue is high. Pure color, no dichroism, aquamarine without gray tone is preferred. Do not mix with the blue topaz that is radiantly colored. 5, aquamarine maintenance Aquamarine is brittle, afraid of low temperature, easy to burst at low temperatures, and will fade when exposed to fire. Wear it to prevent it from colliding with the rest of the hard object, away from the fire source to avoid cracking or discoloration of the gemstone. What is sapphire, do you understand through the simple introduction of the above China Jewelry Merchants Network Xiaobian? Because sapphire is very rare, the price is naturally very high. Compared with sapphire, diamond jewelry that young people prefer now is also the first choice. It is of antiseptic, dustproof, damp proof,
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